
Personscanmodifycognitions,affect,interpersonalinfluences,andsituationalinfluencestocreateincentivesforhealthpromotingbehavior.Source:Pender, ...,NolaPender'sHealthPromotionModelproposestoassessbehaviorthatleadstohealthpromotionthroughthestudyoftheinterrelationship ...,Pender'shealthpromotionmodeldefineshealthas“apositivedynamicstatenotmerelytheabsenceofdisease.”Healthpromotionisdirectedat ......

[PDF] The Health Promotion Model

Persons can modify cognitions, affect, interpersonal influences, and situational influences to create incentives for health promoting behavior. Source: Pender, ...

[PDF] analysis according to Nola Pender's theory - FI

Nola Pender's Health Promotion Model proposes to assess behavior that leads to health promotion through the study of the interrelationship ...

Nola Pender: Health Promotion Model (Theory Guide)

Pender's health promotion model defines health as “a positive dynamic state not merely the absence of disease.” Health promotion is directed at ...

Pender's Health Promotion Model

Pender's Health Promotion model serves as a tool for nurses to plan behavioural modification interventions in order to assist in the improvement and ...

Applying the Pender's Health Promotion Model to Identify ...

This cross-sectional study aimed to identify factors associated with older adults' participation in community-based health promotion activities.

The Impact of Training Based on the Pender Health Promotion ...

Conclusion: The results of this study indicated that training based on the Pender Health Promotion Model significantly increased self-efficacy.

潘德氏健康促進模式之介紹=Introduction to Pender


By Nola J. Pender - Health Promotion in Nursing Practice

評分 4.9 (13) Health Promotion in Nurisng Practice presents a strong, up-to-date foundation for understanding and building the science and practice of health promotion.

Pender's Health Promotion Model (Pender, 1996).

The authors discuss the psychological factors associated with weight loss maintenance and the use of Pender's health promotion model as a guide.

Pender's Health Promotion Model | PPT

The Pender's Health Promotion Model specifies that health behaviors are influenced by personal factors and the surrounding environment.